The Purpose
The purpose of this organization is to uphold the Great Commission of Jesus Christ by producing Christian leaders and serving members of Greek-lettered organizations through evangelism and mentorship, both on university campuses and in the great community.

Our Name
God said that He is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End (Revelation 22:13).  From the beginning, His will is to make His kingdom come in the end, hence the Alpha and the Omega in our name.  Epsilon is the fifth letter in the Greek alphabet and five is the number for grace.  We use the Epsilon to signify that God's grace is upon us to accomplish our mission.  This truth is reflected in the sorority's motto.

Our Motto
Living in God's grace... Feeding the five thousand.

Our Colors
Purple, which stands for Royalty
White, which stands for Purity

Our Goals
- To evangelize, disciple, and lead the members of
  the Greek community
- To produce Christian leaders during their college
  years who will continue in leadership in the years
  after their university experience

- To set a standard of excellence in all areas
  including sisterhood, scholarship,
  campus/community involvement, and community

Our Tenets
- Discipleship
- Unity
- Prayer
- Bible Study
- Reputation of Integrity
- Church
- Faithfulness
- Zeal
- Service

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